kill the messenger

kill the messenger

Kill The Messenger

Herman Ingram Book 1

Release Date: August 3rd, 2018 (as Bermuda)

Series: Herman Ingram

Volume: 1

Available formats: ebook, audiobook, paperback, hardcover

Independent journalist Herman Ingram receives documents detailing a plan to add a synthetic compound into a major water supply. He finds himself in a race against time to expose a corporation desperate to keep their secret.

From the Flap

Have you ever wondered if your life could make a difference?

For Herman Ingram, that question changed everything. He left his job at a high-profile Washington, D. C. newspaper, fed up with the corruption and the restraints imposed on him. Today, he runs a successful news site, though that one question keeps gnawing at his gut. He wants to make a difference, needs to, but he also needs the right story. Nothing else holds meaning for him.

He finds what he’s after when an unmarked package lands on his doorstep. Inside, he finds documents that illustrate a plan to introduce a synthetic substance into a water source that serves millions. 

Behind the package’s appearance is George Wilman, a chemical engineer turned whistleblower. The recent “accidental” death of a colleague served as the catalyst for George to take action. With the evidence sent, he flees into the night.

As the clock ticks down, George fights to stay alive. Herman works his way closer to exposing the scheme to the public. The corporation—desperate to keep the truth obscured—dispatches hit squads to eliminate all threats. Armed only with his wit—and occasionally hampered by his sarcasm—Herman readies himself for a showdown in the lion’s den. If nothing else, he’ll finally find the answer to the question that changed everything.


Andy Schmidt
Works for Fred Watson
Charles Zent
QNI engineer; longtime friend of Greg Schultz
Dennis Stroud
Photojournalist investigating QNI
Edward Marsh
Deceased scientist; worked for QNI
Frank Schmidt
Police officer; brother of Andy and Ralph
Fred Watson
Host of 'Underground Nationwide'; received call from George
George Wilman
QNI scientist; whistleblower
Greg Schultz
QNI executive
Herman Ingram
Independent journalist; runs on sarcasm
Herman's dog
Ralph Schmidt
Works for Fred Watson
Ray Whitestone
Retired newspaper editor; Herman's mentor
The Tall Man
Hitman; has an affinity for spaghetti westerns
Timothy Hanford
In charge of QNI's Bermuda facility
Walt Regin
Journalist; friend of Ray's

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kill the messenger

kill the messenger


It’s a dark, moonless July night in central Florida. Twenty miles south of the town of Tavares on State Route 561, a pair of yellowed headlights cut through the murkiness. The car is a 2010 Ford Taurus; silver, with a small ding on the rear driver’s side door. Behind the wheel is George Wilman, a chemical engineer. At fifty-three, he was closing in on a sooner-than-expected retirement with a government pension. Now, on this humid summer evening, he was on the run.

Four hours earlier, George had been a department head at a top-secret, found on no maps government test facility. He held this position for the last six months, having moved on from an R&D position with Dow Chemical to what proved to be a “too good to be true” opportunity. George asked many questions before he accepted the offer. In hindsight, George supposed the interviewer handled most—if not all—of his questions too quickly and with a smile that was too plastic. Now, he realized how much was clear.

George looked into the rearview mirror, expecting headlights. There were none. Unfamiliar with the area, he didn’t know what amount of traffic was normal for this stretch of road. In his state of heightened awareness, everything seemed ominous, including the absence of other travelers. A scan of the console showed it was 11:11 p.m. He had covered nearly two hundred miles without incident, a fact that did little to ease his anxiety.

He threw another glance in the rearview, glimpsing himself. His face was as white as the elsewhere moon. His hair—disheveled and thinning—bore fresh streaks of white that appeared over the past few hours. Dime-sized beads of sweat dotted his brow. He swiped at them violently with his forearm, nearly knocking his wire-rimmed glasses onto the floor. The cabin of the car was silent, save for a bit of road noise and the dull thumping of his pulse in his ears.

He took several deep breaths in through his nose, attempting to stave off his growing sense of panic. It worked, his heart rate slow down. He arched his back to stretch it out and let a large exhale out through his mouth, which ended with his lips flapping together. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. George erupted in laughter, his guffaws releasing some of the pent up tension that seemed to occupy every cell in his body. Some poor facsimile of relaxation washed over him.


The Taurus swerved hard, first onto the soft shoulder, then into the southbound lane. George was sure that he had shit himself as he fought to maintain control of both the machine and his emotions. As the car settled back safely into the northbound lane, George began thinking. Had it been his cell phone? That he threw it out five minutes after he left the facility rendered that option an impossibility. Had he imagined it? Was he cracking up completely? Those options seemed absolutely plausible.

Then the voice returned. “Geeeoooo-ooooorrrge.” The singsong tone deeply unnerved him. “Calm down George. Don’t have an accident.” 

The sarcastic emphasis on the word accident unnerved him further.

“Wha-what?” George asked. He fought to maintain his composure.

Silence. George took another deep breath and tried again.

“Who is this?”

After a brief silence, George got his answer.

“The boogeyman.”

The response came devoid of any joviality, the tone deadly serious. There was a brief silence before a cold, joyless laugh burst through the speakers. If he hadn’t shit himself before, he sure as hell had now. George scanned the rearview again, finding no headlights, no vehicular silhouettes, nothing but the inky black night. A flicked switch turned on the interior lights. He cast a couple of quick peeks into the backseat. 

Laughter again filled the cabin. “I’m not in the car, George.” The statement was heavy with condescension.

“Where are you then?” George was getting angry as the question left his lips.

The reply he got was terse. “Around.”

George’s heart rate was up again, though this time due to anger. He decided to use it. “Fuck off then. If you work for who I think you do, you’ll be a prison pass-around soon.”

George smiled, momentarily forgetting why he was on the run and from where. He was also trying to forget that this disembodied voice belonged to someone who wanted to stop him from running. Because of what he was dealing with, he also needed to forget that a well-funded attempt to stop him was underway, following a ‘by any means necessary’ philosophy. He took a small amount of solace in knowing that he had initiated a contingency plan before hitting the road.

No response came, and George began another visual scan. No other traffic; sixty-one miles per hour. He had just turned his gaze back to the road when an alert started beeping in the car, drawing his attention back to the instrument cluster. There it was: